126 Results
Studio for 1 westside
920 Fr / month
Abendstrasse, 3018 Bern, Switzerland
1 room
5½ room house in Bern - Bethlehem, furnished, temporary
2952 Fr / month
A1, 3027 Bern, Switzerland
5 rooms
Ein Zuhause an ruhiger, grüner Lage - mitten in Bern
2050 Fr / month
Bern, Bern-Mittelland District, Switzerland
3 rooms
3½ room apartment in Bern - Länggasse, furnished, temporary
2124 Fr / month
Bern Länggasse, Platanenhof, 3012 Bern, Switzerland
Studio with 2 beds, facing ost, with kitchenette and shower/toilet, for 2 persons max.
960 Fr / month
Studentenwohnheim Tscharnergut, Waldmannstrasse 15, 3027 Bern, Switzerland
Kohlenweg 12 - CHF 1350 - 2 Zimmer
1350 Fr / month
Kohlenweg 12, 3097 Köniz, Switzerland
2 rooms
9-Familienhaus am Heimatweg 17
900 Fr / month
Kramgasse 61, 3011 Bern, Switzerland
2 room apartment in Bern - Breitenrain, furnished, temporary
2400 Fr / month
Stadtteil V, Bern, Bern-Mittelland, Switzerland
2½ room apartment in Bern - Mattenhof, furnished, temporary
1800 Fr / month
3009 Bern, Switzerland
studio fully furnished, 1 bed, south with balcony
750 Fr / month
Modernes Wohnen in Kehrsatz
1985 Fr / month
Sandbühlstrasse, 3122 Kehrsatz, Switzerland
4 rooms
Moderne Wohnung mit sonnigem Gartensitzplatz
2175 Fr / month
Stägmatt, 3322 Urtenen-Schönbühl, Switzerland
Wohnen in lebendigem Stadtquartier
2450 Fr / month
4 room apartment in Bern - Mattenhof, furnished, temporary
2000 Fr / month
Single room shower/toilet shared by 2 rooms
800 Fr / month
Bolligenstrasse 91, 3065 Bolligen, Switzerland
2 room apartment in Bern - Monbijou, furnished, temporary
1875 Fr / month
3007 Bern, Switzerland
Studio with private bathroom and kitchen, furnished
784 Fr / month
4½ room apartment in Ostermundigen (BE), furnished, temporary
Ostermundigen, Bern-Mittelland, Switzerland
1782 Fr / month
Single room with balcony, facing south, common shower and toilet, common kitchen
820 Fr / month
2½ room attic apartment (penthouse) in Bern - Länggasse, furnished, temporary
2875 Fr / month